Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday Weigh In

Have you hopped on the scale yet today? I did, just now. I'm down 1 lb this week. It's a bit of a bummer, but better than nothing.

I think I need a little extra help, so I'm going to log onto Weight Watchers online today and start following the program properly again.

I tried to go it alone, and I might be able to maintain that way, but I don't seem to be able to lose much weight by myself. It's time to call in the cavalry.

How did everybody else do? Let's hear it, the good, the bad, and the indifferent.


  1. I haven't weighed myself in probably about a month, but I'm down about 1# since the last time I weighed myself.

    I did each some chocolate here and there during the week, but overall I HAVE been trying. I worked out twice last week and really wanted to work or more this week...we'll see! :)

  2. I am up 1 pound, and I am not shocked by it. I had a great weekend with friends had some great food and some drinks it was worth the pound. Maybe I will try and be better this week maybe get to the gym a few times. I am not sure how I will do with the easter bunny coming I am thankfully I am not a chocolate lover.

    Great job with being a pound down Jen.

  3. Ugh....I'm up...up to the next even number on the scale (which shall remain a secret). Time to start working out again, which is what I said last week. *sigh*

  4. I think I need some help too Jen, back to weightwatchers for me on Wednesday

  5. Good work Peppermint Patty. Keep your momentum going!

    Looks like the rest of us had a rough (though delicious?) week. Oh well, back at it this week. We'll get it all sorted out.

    At least the weather's supposed to be good for the rest of the week. That should help with the workout motivation.

    Have fun at your meeting on Wed. Jen!

  6. Ok, Miss Bossy, here it is...I haven't lost any yet...however, I just started last week and I was only able to get to the gym twice last week. I'm going to try hard this week to get to the gym every day. I have a problem with portion control however so that is going to be a big focus point for me!!! Any suggestions?? Oh, and should I eat dinner then work out or work out then have dinner??

  7. Welcome Smarty Pants. I saw some comments to your question on your wall already.

    From what I've read, calories burned are calories burned, it doesn't matter when you eat.

    You're not going to want (or be able to) workout if your already hungry. But you don't want a stomach ache form eating too much, so maybe a mid afternoon snack will get you through to dinner.

    I have read that eating something soon after a workout (like within 20 mins) will help your body recover from the workout more quickly - so you can get back to the gym again the next day. So maybe have a light snack in your gym bag so you can have it right away and then go have your dinner.

    If you're like me, if you go home and eat dinner before you workout, you won't go back out to the gym.

    Try a bunch of different systems and figure out what works the best.
    What's the gym like at the Y?

  8. Hi Jen - just stopping by to say thank's for visiting my blog! I haven't stepped on my scale recently because the battery died and it has been an excellent excuse to not weigh myself. :D Have a great day!

  9. I'm up 1lbs this week. again it was the weekend that did me anniversary dinners at kelseys, camp 31 and subway (all on different days ofcourse)... oh well, I don't expect to do any better this week with Easter coming

  10. I really like the Y. It is so nice and bright now. I also like the fact that the pool is there, which helps Brooke with her swimming. I kinda thought if I went home and ate I wouldn't want to go back out but I wasn't sure how effective it was to workout then go home and eat. But I guess as long as I eat healthy it's ok...right??

  11. 1 lb is good Jen. I weigh in on Wed so I don't have an update but I think it'll be good. I think I've lost inches. It seems like overnight everything got smaller.

    I base whether or not I eat dinner before or after based on the exercise and time.

    If I get off at 4 and class starts at 5 then it's something simple like fruit

    If I get off at 4 and class starts at 7 then I'll eat dinner.

    But dinner is my lightest meal. If it's your heaviest you may have to wait until after.
