Thursday, April 1, 2010

And Now For Something Completely Different: An Exposé on the letter K

I thought I'd give this a try, just for the sake of something different.

Foodzilla has been brought to you today, by the letter K and by Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday.

Kickboxing, Karaté and Kung fu are Kinds of martial arts. Did you Know that? Did you Know that Killing people with your bare hands is an art? That's Kind of awesome when you thinK about it.

K. The letter K. noooneenoooneenoo


  1. I didn't know kickboxing was part of martial arts.

  2. i love your way of thinking!
    i also am going to poke around a bit..looks like you have some good stuff here :)

  3. K happens to be my favourite letter!

  4. Great thinking on K!

    Found you not only @ Jenny's but @ SITS as well! :-)

  5. Hi. A slightly violent but interesting letter K!

    Thanks for making our Alphabe-Thursday letter kicking kute!


  6. I'm intrigued by your name. I love food. I love Godzilla. Therefore by the transitive property of equality, I'm sure I'll love Foodzilla. Looking forward to finding out! From Tina, the new math nerd in class :-)

  7. I had never really thought about killing someone with my bare hands before, but now I know it would be art. :)

  8. "Foodzilla has been brought to you today, by the letter K"

    That brought back some childhood memories, actually memories from just a few years ago when my kids were younger. Anyways, now I have the song stuck in my head "The People in Your Neighborhood"! Kale starts with K. Remember the big Kale sale? :)

  9. Kickin'! :) Strong K words and a fun blog. Thanks for stopping by.

  10. Kamikaze. Just another "K" for you. I wonder if that "art" thing would hold up in court. I was just expressing myself...hmmm.
    Found you though FF and your title caught my eye! Love it!
